Grow your business

Artificial intelligence, robotization, virtual reality, Internet of Things, additive manufacturing… the industry is at the heart of a real technological revolution. Above all, the industry of the future offers tremendous potential today to improve operational efficiency and stimulate the growth of your business. How to integrate these technologies? How can they improve the productivity and performance of your business? Follow the guide !

The industry of the future to develop your business

Integrating these new technologies into your work processes is the possibility of optimizing your company’s productivity : reduction of time spent on repetitive tasks, increase in production, regularity of quality , ease of maintenance of machines , redeployment of labor to higher value-added tasks …

Not being ready for this wave of innovation means taking the risk of losing your competitive advantage in a short time . The adoption of technologies related to the industry of the future (also called Industry 4.0 or Smart Industry ) has become an obligation to stay in the race against international competition . So how do you prepare for these changes ?

Secure your industrial project

Do not hesitate to turn to external structures to find out about the steps to take and get started effectively. As part of an initiative of the Ile-de-France Region, a consortium led by Cetim, in which the Paris Ile-de-France CCI participates, is deploying the Smart Industry Support program .

How ? By benefiting from an outside perspective and expert support during a 360° or thematic diagnosis, followed by an operational implementation of the actions selected with the manager.

Smart Industry support aims to guide SMEs in their strategic choices , secure their decision- making and prevent projects from remaining a dead letter for lack of funding. “ Indeed, if your investment project is credible, you will be able to obtain a loan or a grant more easily, ” explains Régine Castagnet, Head of Competitiveness and Regional Projects at the CCI Paris Ile-de-France.

Identify solution providers for your industrial project

Above all, define your company’s objectives for 1 year, 2 years and 5 years, and analyze the technologies that could allow you to achieve them more serenely: artificial intelligence ? Augmented reality ? Big Data ? Robotization ? _ Each technology has its specialty.

The list of solutions adapted to the needs of each company is long. Also, to help you make the right choices, consult the directory of solution providers , initiated by the network of CCIs and the Alliance Industrie du Futur . It lists the solution providers in order to enable SMEs/SMIs to identify qualified service providers capable of supporting them in their industrial transformation project .

If you are developing innovative solutions for the Industry of the future, get yourself listed free of charge in the online directory of Solution Providers , in order to enhance and promote your solutions on a regional, national and international scale.

Embark all your collaborators in the adventure

Some entrepreneurs still perceive the adoption of technologies related to the industry of the future as an obligation rather than an opportunity, a task relegated to an IT department rather than a global strategy. This can seriously hamper the success of the initiatives put in place.

Indeed, the process of integrating these innovations proves to be much more effective when leaders attempt to drive enterprise-wide initiatives forward. The change then affects the entire organization – production , sales, marketing, HR, etc. – and each team, each department, gets involved.

” All employees must be made aware of the advantages that these technologies can bring them: development of their skills , more rewarding tasks… As soon as they are given leads, they will have less reluctance to integrate them into their daily lives ” explains Régine Castagnet . You can, for example, create a team made up of different stakeholders from different departments in your company to make sure everyone is aware of what’s going on and that things are moving forward.

Set a realistic budget

Finally, be pragmatic with your budget. If you don’t have the ability to invest heavily in these new technologies , plan to fund your transformation in stages.

“ It would be a mistake to want to transform everything from A to Z at the same time. The ideal is to go step by step, prioritizing the implementation of technologies according to your company’s overall strategy , your short, medium and long-term objectives, and your financing capacity, ” concludes Régine Castagnet . .

Financing schemes for productive investment offered by the State (France 2030 and PIA4) and the Ile-de-France Region (Up range) can allow you to have a leverage effect on your financing plan.

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